The purpose of this initial stage is to propose and vet ideas that community members have and decide which ideas are ready to go to “Phase 2: Vote off-chain” for a more formal voting.
Process: Phase 2 | VOTE OFF-CHAIN
When an idea is well supported with positive feedback in discord conversations, it is time to write the idea up in a “proposal” and invite the community to vote on it.
The first phase is off-chain voting. This occurs on Snapshot, a polling/voting tool.
Off-chain voting consists of two sub-phases: Temperature Check followed by Consensus Check.
For proposals that do not require coding to blockchain’s smart contracts (for example product improvements), it should not go through on-chain voting, and the proposal moves to Phase 4: Execute.
For proposals that do require coding changes to the blockchain’s smart contracts, the proposal will require going through this Phase 3: On-Chain Voting. The purpose of the on-chain voting is to establish formal voting around a proposal that passed Phase 2.2: Consensus Check. This is the last step in the governance process before moving to Phase 4: Execute.
The final phase of governance is the Execution Period, also called Enactment Period or Time Lock. At the end of the on-chain voting period of the previous step, the on-chain proposal enters a time lock period of 7 days during which it must be executed.