Process: Phase 3 | VOTE ON-CHAIN
For proposals that do not require coding to blockchain’s smart contracts (for example product improvements), it should not go through on-chain voting, and the proposal moves to Phase 4: Execute.
For proposals that do require coding changes to the blockchain’s smart contracts, the proposal will require going through this Phase 3: On-Chain Voting. The purpose of the on-chain voting is to establish formal voting around a proposal that passed Phase 2.2: Consensus Check. This is the last step in the governance process before moving to Phase 4: Execute.
As a proposer:
Review and incorporate conversations, questions and feedback from the community on Discord regarding your proposal idea and Consensus Check into an improved and more detailed copy of your proposal. For this phase of the process, you need to create an on-chain proposal. This the next and final stage that proposals go through.
This is also a poll that will be binary with “For” and “Against” voting options.
To create a proposal, you would need to know how to run code, and more specifically have Javascript capabilities as well as familiarity with using Ethereum and private keys/addresses. If you do, make sure to visit the technical documentation (link here) to install/run the code (see section "Introduction" linking to the GitHub code with ReadMe) and to create the on-chain proposal (section "Propose").
If you are not a technical person, you should post on Discord’s #governance-general channel asking for help by someone technical who has the above capabilities and is willing to help you write the on-chain proposal. Someone will answer you and coordinate with you to take all your requirements and write your on-chain proposal that you would be able to then promote.
Make sure to use the same title of your Snapshot poll or a more accurate one but without the ”[Consensus Check]” in it. Building on the example used previously, your on-chain proposal could have this title: “Should Manta Ray change payment providers to Paypal?”
Use existing sample on-chain proposals (found in the technical documentation on GitHub) as a template for drafting your on-chain proposals. Feel free to add the necessary information to tell the best ‘story’ of your proposal as you have done in the off-chain voting on Snapshot.
We recommend adding a link in your on-chain description pointing to the Temperature Check and Consensus Check of your proposal from Snapshot. We also recommend adding links to any attachments (designs, wireframes, files) that are relevant to your proposal and that will clarify how it will exactly be implemented. Remember that this is the last chance to have the complete documentation needed to execute your proposal idea.
Reach out to the community on Discord’s #proposal-voting channel to activate the community to vote on your on-chain proposal (make sure to share the link of your on-chain proposal) when it is ready for voting.
As a voter:
Indicate your opinion by voting on proposals that are on-chain to get executed or not. The voting works similarly to voting on Snapshot. The only difference is that it will show as “Pending” for a few minutes until the transaction goes through on the Ethereum network and you will be notified via a browser pop-up notification.
The system will weigh votes by the total number of tokens you have in your connected wallet. So every token you have in your connected wallet will count as a vote. You cannot choose to vote with less than your total tokens.
It will prompt a notification to your wallet (Coinbase Wallet mobile app, Metamask, or other) to approve/sign the action of voting or submitting a proposal on Snapshot. If your wallet is on Coinbase Wallet which is a mobile app, then make sure to pull your phone, open the app and approve it.
Last updated