Participate in the Process: Phase 1 | IDEATE
The purpose of this initial stage is to propose and vet ideas that community members have and decide which ideas are ready to go to “Phase 2: Vote off-chain” for a more formal voting.
The first step? Join our Discord community. Not only is this the heartbeat of all the governance processes, you'll also be able to connect with other users with similar skills, learn about new jobs on the platform, and get help if you're stuck.
If you have an idea to improve something at Manta Ray (example: ”Should Manta Ray change payment providers?”), propose it to the community on Discord’s #proposal-ideas channel and ask for opinions among your fellow community members.
Keep these conversations going by being open-minded and receptive to different opinions.
When you feel that the community is excited about your idea, then you can proceed to the next phase. If you're not seeing a positive reception, then this is a sign that you should not proceed with the idea to the off-chain voting stage.
Not sure what ideas you have yet? Your opinions are important and vital to keep our network evolving and thriving. You're invited to express your opinions and join conversations on other members’ ideas.
Remember that your opinion is the main input and driver of governance and can make or break any proposal.
Last updated