Start Contributing
Contribute in ways you're most interested in building the network!
Participate in Discord discussions
The Manta Ray Discord server is where the community connects with each other and supports one another.
Head over to the Discord and find your channel topic of interest to start engaging with the community!
Say hello and share more information about yourselves. Serve as the welcome committee. Greet incoming community members.
Offer feedback on the Manta Ray website and App. Share suggestions on how the Manta Ray platform could be improved. Join user research sessions (as announced in the channel).
Introduce Hosts and Partner EV Networks to connect to Manta Ray.
Send incoming driver referral link to earn 1% of their Manta Ray EV Network usage in MREV (Max capped at $?? in MREV per referee)
If you see something, say something. Please keep this community safe by flagging content for mods here.
Manta Ray Bounties
Participate in Manta Ray Bounties, ongoing projects that can be found on the Manta Ray Discord server. All live bounties can be found in the BOUNTIES category on Discord.
Last updated