Process: Phase 2 | VOTE OFF-CHAIN
When an idea is well supported with positive feedback in discord conversations, it is time to write the idea up in a “proposal” and invite the community to vote on it.
The first phase is off-chain voting. This occurs on Snapshot, a polling/voting tool.
Off-chain voting consists of two sub-phases: Temperature Check followed by Consensus Check.
Phase 2.1: Temperature Check
A Temperature Check is a simple yes/no poll that is used to determine if there is enough initial community interest. At the end of the Temperature Check period:
If a majority votes ‘Yes’, the proposal moves to the next phase 2.2
Otherwise, the proposal is abandoned at this phase and does not proceed.
As a proposer:
To create a Temperature Check you just need to create a new proposal on Snapshot and ask a general, non-biased question to the community about a potential change (example: ”Should Manta Ray change payment providers?”).
Make sure to put the title on your Snapshot poll as follows: ”[Temperature Check] - Your Proposal Title Here”. Example: ”[Temperature Check] - Should Manta Ray change payment providers?”.
Use existing Snapshot polls as examples to give you ideas on how to draft your proposal.
We recommend setting the poll duration to 3 days (by inputting a start date and end date).
Note: Do not change the pre-filled number field under “Select end date” on Snapshot when you are creating a proposal.
Announce the creation of your Temperature Check on Discord’s #proposal-voting channel. This will activate the community to vote on your proposal, discuss and build support. Advocate for your proposal by responding to questions and sharing your viewpoint.
Pro-tip! Be sure to include links to your snapshot proposal in Discord!
As a voter:
Use Snapshot to vote and indicate your interest in bringing a proposal forward to the next phase.
The system will weigh votes by the total number of tokens you have in your connected wallet. So every token you have in your connected wallet will count as a vote. You cannot choose to vote with less than your total tokens.
Remember: You do not spend your tokens when you vote. Your wallet will not decrease. Your tokens represent your voting power. The more tokens you have, the more weight your votes carry.
Snapshot will prompt a notification to your wallet (Metamask, or other) to approve/sign the action of voting or submitting a proposal on Snapshot.
Phase 2.2: Consensus Check
A Consensus Check is a yes/no or multiple-choice poll that is used to establish formal voting around a proposal that passes the first Temperature Check, and helps refine proposals and lead to a concrete solution
If a majority votes ‘Yes’, the proposal moves to the next phase 3.
Otherwise, the proposal is abandoned at this phase and does not proceed.
As a proposer:
Review and incorporate conversations, questions and feedback from the community on Discord regarding your proposal idea and Temperature Check into an improved and more detailed draft of your proposal for the Consensus Check.
Create a new Snapshot proposal for your Consensus Check.
This poll can either be binary or multiple choice but you are required to include the option ”Make no change” or its equivalent.
Make sure that the voting options are specific enough to be executed if the vote wins majority voting. Example: If your Temperature Check was “Should Manta Ray change payment providers?” and the majority of people voted “Yes”, then your Consensus Check should take it one level deeper by giving specific payment providers (e.g. Paypal, Payoneer) as multiple choices to vote for with clear description and analysis of each payment provider in the proposal description. Therefore if one of these payment providers won the majority vote, the outcome would be specific enough to be executed.
Make sure to put the title of your Snapshot poll as follows: ”[Consensus Check] Your Proposal Title Here”. Example: “[Consensus Check] Should Manta Ray change payment providers?”
Use existing Snapshot polls as examples to give you ideas on how to draft your proposal.
We recommend setting the poll duration to 5 days (by inputting a start date and end date).
Note: Do not change the pre-filled number field under “Select end date” on Snapshot when you are creating a proposal.
Announce the creation of your Consensus Check on Discord’s #proposal-voting channel. This will activate the community to vote on your proposal, discuss and build support. Advocate for your proposal by responding to questions and sharing your viewpoint.
Pro-tip! Be sure to include links to your snapshot proposal in Discord!
As a voter:
Use Snapshot to vote and indicate your interest in bringing a proposal forward to the next phase.
The system will weigh votes by the total number of tokens you have in your connected wallet. So every token you have in your connected wallet will count as a vote. You cannot choose to vote with less than your total tokens.
Remember: You do not spend your tokens when you vote. Your wallet will not decrease. Your tokens represent your voting power. The more tokens you have, the more weight your votes carry.
Snapshot will prompt a notification to your wallet (Trust Wallet, Metamask, or other) to approve/sign the action of voting or submitting a proposal on Snapshot.
Last updated